Old bitch takes two cocks after masturbation

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Grandma Friends
In this hot sex scene from the movie Old Blows My Baby, Pamela Anderson plays the headstrong, outgoing, and slightly wild members of a married couple who still has a long way to go in her sex life. In reality, Pamela Anderson was married to Jimi Hendrix for twelve years before he died in 1969. In Old Blows My Baby, Anderson plays Holly Golightly, an accomplished woman who still rages with jealousy at the thought of her husband's love for another woman. The movie is filled with a series of steamy, erotic scenes that include Anderson's trademark cut on the red carpet as she walks past hotel guest's beds. One sequence in particular is especially memorable, featuring Anderson's character putting two cocks in her mouth while blindfolded and telling one of the guests to get his hands off her..