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He finds mature couple and his teen GF fucking together
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After watching American Pie and hearing Derren Brown sings about old young couples breaking up and the old women and old teens sleeping together, I thought to myself "wouldn't it be nice if every single guy out there had a huge ball and rode it out into the sunset while yelling at the moon and calling everyone NERF!" I know that wouldn't be nearly as funny as it was then but it would make for a good song. So here is my version of 'old man hung over' with the lyrics I have so desperately want to shout to my man, "Old Man, Baby Bo Peeped Me", and take him back to those much better days when all men were men and not children... He finds a mature couple and his teen fucking together | screaming | milf | old woman} He's got a big problem because he can't get over the fact that his old gal has told him that she likes older men, which makes him think that being with her might be a mistake, so he goes out and searches for older women to sleep with. Finding none in his usual haunts, he decides that since he can't have sex with any of them, he might as well join the ones who can, so he gets on the train and rides it out to the country roads and starts yelling at the sky for a small flock of screaming white women who are passing through and he doesn't care whether they get in his pants or not, he'll take anyone who will listen to him. This gets him into trouble with the sheriff and the constable, who show up and arrest him for Disorderly Conduct, Misdemeanors, and the like, since he was sentenced to a month in the county jail for letting his hair down at the country fair. Because of this, he loses all of his free time, spends the next several months in jail, and is served by three separate female prison wardens..