Classy cfnm milf takes best friends to a gloryhole

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Reality Kings
Classy CFNL Cougar took BFFs to a new height this past weekend at our local Club Follies. We saw two class friends, Jessica and Karla leave the club in a huff after getting so frustrated with the other girl that they flipped a table over, got into a big fight, and tried to leave the club in a middle of everyone else. What followed was an epic event that was caught on tape and went viral within hours. It also resulted in a large police presence outside the club as security tried to disperse the four girls and their friends. The whole thing was caught on tape by a local amateur photographer that was in attendance at the club, which is awesome because it brought back memories of when I tried to take pictures at a girls' club... That experience forever changed my photography career and I'm hoping it had the same effect on the four Classy CFNL Cougars that night..