Tanned blondie and her bf's step mom toying snatches

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His Mommy
The video of the Tanned blondie and her bf's step mom toying with toys has become a legend. This young lady from Texas, as she was called, had such a love for toys that when Christmas came she opened all the Christmas gifts inside and went through every drawer, looking for the very best toys she could find. When she found a toy that she just loved she would call her mom and tell her what toys she had found. That was until one Christmas she found out that her mom was a registered nurse and had several Toy Harbor toys as well as several other ones that had come into her possession. So Tanned blondie and her bf's step mom toying with toys like her were on the receiving end of a cease and desist order as their actions (and that of others) resulted in the destruction or theft of many toys..