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Fake Taxi
You can't go to London without leaving behind a copy of the Daily Mail, if you live in the UK. This video is about " Fake Taxi" by Mary Cassatt, published in 2021. I was disappointed when I found that it lacked some of the fun elements that I had come to expect from her videos, but what can you do? I'm not complaining. One thing she did have on her list is a full fledged sexual attack scene, which I think actually deters from the video's realism (if it can be called that). The dirty taxi scenes were okay, but when Mary starts describing how she wakes up the next morning in a hotel room with a "cubby little black boy" and how she describes how she hikes across town in his taxi, I thought that might be a sign that I would like to read something a bit more erotically-charged than my usual Mary Cassatt stuff, but she kept it short enough for me not to mind.

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