Busty mature lady sucks a dick

See Mom Suck
Every threesome between a big tit woman and a guy is supposed to end in some type of sexual climax, but most women forget that this is just not the case when it comes to blowjobs. The fact is that when a mature woman sucks a big dick she usually does not feel so good about herself afterwards, while women who are satisfied by sucking small dick tend to have much more sexual energy. Women who are used to getting a big tit husband or boyfriend usually do not realize how much they miss the feeling of a big hard dick until it is gone and a big tit milf can feel this way for a change. However, if you think you can go down on a sexy older woman without her feeling a single bit of sexual tension then you might want to reconsider your options, because chances are you might end up getting smacked with the couch after.

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