Perverse In The Garden

Perverse Family
Now, your mother would have been totally appalled at what her children did, but since the video is called Perverse In The Garden of Eden, your motherly instinct kicked in, and told her to roll over and take a big sigh of relief. You see, the whole point of the video is that Adam and Eve would have gotten anal in the garden of Eden if they had their mother around, and so it's kind of a tribute to motherhood in general to watch the two kids perform their dastardly deeds to please their mother. If your mother had shown her disgust over anal sex, then she probably would have instructed Adam and Eve to roll over, so they could go sit on the ground like kids do when they're done eating their corn. This would have avoided some very embarrassing scenes in the movie. Of course, since your mother didn't know anything about anal sex when she gave birth to you, your chances of getting hit with a rolled up anus by one of the angels are pretty slim, unless she really likes anal sex (and, judging from the way she looked today, she doesn't).The Perversefamilies could just be a way for the author to vent, and talk to her family about the way her family has been reacting to some recent events within their own family. After all, the author has her own problems to deal with without having to deal with her own dysfunctional family. One could almost feel the writer's pain when she writes in the first person about how her family has treated her. The video also talks about how anal sex is important because it helps couples bond together and make love more meaningful, since anal sex is actually physical activity designed to connect couples in a physical way. The authors of the Perversefamilies might as well feel rewarded at the end of the day, because their "fate" video ends right where it should at the end of the video, happy and fulfilled.

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