Three-way fun with two hot Milfs and one big dick

So you want to make your girl have a threesome? You've seen her drooling over her partner or being all touch and gooey over some other guy she's not so sure about. If you're about to give her the greatest thrills ever and she happens to be a Milf who likes to hold the power in bed then this is for you... There are a few things you need to do first to set the mood and get things rolling... First off, if she wants a threesome then give her a double treat by flirting with her and teasing her the second she's within earshot. This is best done when you have both looked at each other and then when you're both in a public place, preferably a place with lots of people, but really anywhere will do. This will let her know that you're playful and that you enjoy her company and all she has to do to get you to do it is to turn around and look at her (pointing at her) and give a little wink of the eye.

Threesome hairy with two Videos
